A Brother's Love For His Mom

A beautiful gift to me.

Cheryl Watson
Good Vibes Club
3 min readJun 17, 2023


My momma pic from my brother

I will make this a short story, but it is worth a share, maybe even a read.

I got a beautiful gift from my brother the other day.

What makes it so is that we’re not always speaking to each other. We have been trying again to work out our differences of perception related to the past and are doing pretty well.

So, when my brother offered me his 2021 Facebook story post to share, I felt honored to be trusted with such a personal and vulnerable memory.

The lesson in this story:

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Cor. 13:7 NLT

Thank You, Troy, For The Gift Of Trusting Me

My brother said I could edit his story, but I decided to post with some Grammarly help and names taken out for privacy. Here it is:

April 25, 2021

I want to share a quick story: When I was young, my mom's only solace in life was her flower garden. She would plant columbines and asters from the forest, dig up black-eyed Susan flowers in ditches, and so on.

Photo by Kelsey Weinkauf on Unsplash

She did not have her own money, but Mothers Day would bring annuals, and friends would give her perennials.

The gardens were a good fit for a much more worthy house. Every spring, she would pick a bouquet of May flowers. The house would smell Divine.

I don't think there is a better scent.

As I am in Ontario now, unable to visit, and my mom is at Tideview Terrace in Digby with Alzheimer's, I desperately wanted her to smell these flowers one more time for a bit of solace.

It is tough watching someone so sweet suffer.

I reached out to 'Digby Talks,' a local Facebook group, and offered to pay for a bouquet of Mayflowers. A gentleman by the name of — — picked some for free and delivered them to Tideview for her.

She enjoyed them, as you can see in the picture above. And she passed away that May.

Miss you, Mom- My Picture

Till next time,

Cheryl — The Happy Big Sister



Cheryl Watson
Good Vibes Club

The Happy Christian. Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.