This life is magically beautiful…!! (Photographed by me on my mobile)

A Most Beautiful Experience

Sunrise Meditation on 4th January 2024


Namaste, My Brothers and Sisters,

God bless you and your loved ones with joy.

I welcome each of you to my essay.


To me, God and the Sun are synonymous. Because the Sun is single-handedly responsible for sustaining life here on earth.

That is why I always feel blessed to watch the divine spectacles of rising and the setting of the Sun.

In this essay, I would like to share with you one such beautiful experience I had while watching the rising of my Solar God.

I watched the celestial event from the terrace of my apartment building. The date was 4th January 2024.

Below is my first-person account of that emotional experience.

My Beautiful Experience

“God rises every day in the form of the Sun. Yet, every time it is such a new feeling…!

What a beautiful mystery this is…!

Now, today, God will rise in which reaction?

Okay! It seems between the two clouds there on the eastern horizon, I can see the faint trace of God.

Yes, that’s right!

God is rising in the form of a brand-new sun! What a joy!

Wow! So many tiny birds are now rising from their nests in trees and flying towards the Sun in cheery groups…!

I am blessing each of them with this wish, “God bless you and welcome!”

How happy am I feeling…!”

My Prayers to God

“God, thank you for this life! What a blessing this is!

The sunrise is such a magical experience! It is filled with such amazing colours! For example, the sky to my back in the West looks so blue…yet, the sky to my front in the east looks so orange!

And the whole environment is so rejuvenating…! It is so much resonant with bird songs…!

Truly, the sunrise is so beautiful…!

God, thank you for inspiring me to witness this magical beauty…!

God, thank you…thank you…thank you…!!”

Life is truly beautiful

This life is crowned with bliss at every corner.

All we have to do is open our eyes…

…and drink at the fountain of life.

Our lives will feel blessed each moment…!!

Thanks for reading my essay.

Stay blessed always,

The Uplifting Essayist

