A New Prompt with Great Questions

Good Vibes Club
Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2024


Photo by Laurin Steffens on Unsplash

I’d like to thank Sharon Meyers, EdD for the prompt and thank you for Lu Skerdoo

Here are my answers:

  1. If you could jump into a pool of anything, what would it be full of?

Custard, it would be a pool of custard. Apparently, you can walk across a pool of custard, but you cannot stand still in it, or you will sink. So, I would rather than jump walk across a pool of custard as that sounds like such fun!

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

2. Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?

Well, my name is short enough but in high school some friends decided to turn my name backwards, so I was known as ‘eoz’ Although in primary school a rhyme was made up about me that goes like this “Eccles you stole my freckles, so give em me back”. As I have a freckle face! It did make me somewhat insecure about my freckles, but I quite like them now!

Photo by Chermiti Mohamed on Unsplash

3. What is the weirdest thing you’ve eaten?



Good Vibes Club

‘Variety is the spice of life’ Lover of quotes and quiet time! Please feel free to support my writing here https://zoe-eccles.medium.com/membership