A Solitary Walk


Waqas Ahmad
Good Vibes Club
2 min read1 day ago


The morning mist clung to the earth,
a veil of whispers wrapping around my footsteps.
Each step, a quiet conversation with the damp grass,
left a trail of fleeting imprints behind me.
The world awoke in shades of gray and silver,
a canvas awaiting the brush of dawn.

Birdsong, a symphony of waking dreams,
pierced the stillness, each note a promise of light.
Trees, ancient sentinels, stretched their limbs,
shaking off the remnants of night.
Their leaves, a chorus of rustling secrets,
swayed gently in the early breeze.

I wandered paths known to few,
where the earth’s heartbeat could be felt beneath my soles.
Streams murmured ancient lullabies,
their waters tracing stories in the language of flow.
Rocks, worn smooth by time,
offered silent counsel to the passing traveler.

The sky, a slow-blooming flower,
unfurled hues of amber and rose,
painting the horizon with the promise of day.
I paused, a witness to the dawn’s embrace,
breathing in the quiet wonder of the waking world.

In this solitude, I found a kinship with the dawn,
a shared moment of transition,
where night’s dreams and day’s promises intertwined.
The world, in its simple morning beauty,
held a mirror to the soul,
reflecting the quiet grace of a solitary walk.

This poem, “A Solitary Walk,” paints a vivid picture of an early morning walk through nature, capturing the serene beauty and quiet reflections experienced during this peaceful journey.

It explores the intimate connection between the solitary traveler and the awakening world, highlighting the gentle transition from night to day and the profound sense of tranquility found in solitude.

