A Tale of Me & My Shyness!

How I faced my biggest fear and overcame it

Kaustubh Deshmukh
Good Vibes Club
4 min readJun 1, 2023


In the past years of my life, Whenever I looked back at the trail of my footprints, I always found them following the only path; the path of regret!

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do. — Henry Ford

It was just another day. I was standing at the door, facing the terrace, looking at the beautiful scenery nature has to offer.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Three mountains standing in peace, countless trees dancing to the tune of the breezy wind. The evening sky is painted with everchanging colours.

It was spectacular.

But for me, there was a storm brewing somewhere in the distance, waiting to strike.

From childhood, I was always that shy kid who was afraid to make eye contact. I was stealing glances from people and even my batchmates.

I was so afraid to talk with strangers. Talking with even a single person over the phone was like a nightmare. So, let’s leave the topic of speaking in person.

I joined a college a couple of years ago and I saw my fellow batchmates living in my biggest fear! FEAR of having a Conversation!

And actually, they were so good at it. They found their new friends on the first day of college. Everyone was interacting with each other, cracking jokes, laughing, and sharing their past stories and experiences.

But, if anyone was present there who was most excited and eager to talk and make new friends, It was ME!

I wanted to shout my feeling out. I wanted to go and chat with every single student present in that class.

I knew I could do it! I knew I wanted to do it, but I didn’t. Because I was so afraid to do it. And, just like that, I chose the path of regret. AGAIN!!

The moment this storm, the storm of realisation (that’s what I call it), hit me. I was shocked! I found myself to be alone and I didn’t have a single friend.

Memories that I could have created, those memories were never present there.

Memories of wandering through the streets with my friends, Memories of night-outs, and of all those road trips.

I found all those memories to be blank and unfulfilled. It was like opening a shining gift box and finding it empty.

I shattered. I felt powerless, empty, and completely alone. I didn’t have a single sweet memory to remember.

I was surviving, I was alive, but I never felt alive! All those self-blaming and self-criticising thoughts started to take over.

Then I decided to look back to never look back again. I started to really live my life. I faced my fear one person at a time.

I started talking with people I met on the street while I was going for a walk, and I started involving in my community more. And It was easy! Literally!!

I just had to be MYSELF! Without any self-doubt, I have to be open to the people. I had to accept myself as I am and let people guide me and help me improve.

It was not a sign of weakness but a sign of courage!

Now, I don’t want to be incomplete.

I found out the only reason I left with emptiness and all that misery was not fear. It was running away from the fear. I never dared to face it!

But in reality, I was just one step away from the happy life I kept dreaming of, accepting my fear and the courage to face it!

The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear — Nelson Mandela

I accidentally came across this quote, And it was the best accident that ever happened to me! This quote just flipped my life upside down.

From that moment, I realised I had to live with my fear. I need to face it every day. I need to fight with it and knock it out of my life.

That’s the only way to be the one I always wanted to be.

I began to live with my fear. I started to acknowledge it. I faced it every moment till now. And now, finally, I can say — I knew I could do it. And I did it!!

From that moment, I came closer to myself. I started to get to know myself better. Now, I walked a very long way past my fear.

Starting to write on Medium is one of the resulting steps. (I would never dare to show my weakness to people before.)

A few knock-outs are done, and many more are in progress. And finally, that three years younger version of myself is so proud of me!!

Thanks for reading all the way to the end!

This is my short story of very long-lived misery! I tried to explain in a few words. I hope it will inspire you to face your fears.

Checkout my other article:

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I just started to write on Medium and I’m not a native English speaker. The sentence formation may not be correct or the grammar may be at its worst.

Sorry, if it is not well written, I’m trying to improve one article at a time. If you find any mistakes or have any suggestions please please share them with me.

I wish you a wonderful day ahead :)



Kaustubh Deshmukh
Good Vibes Club

A passionate writer and a lifelong learner ♥ Love to talk about #self-improvement #mentalhealth and everything else I like. Hope my stories will bring you joy.