A yesterday’s dream

Good Vibes Club
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2023
Photo by Yohann Lc on Unsplash

Growing up as a child, we saw the beauties of this blue and green planet and were amazed by such impeccable and distinctive artistic designs. We as humans were either in a trance of admiration or quizzed by the many inexplicable phenomena that surround us. I mean, the aurora borealis and aurora australis in the cold regions, volcanic lightning witnessed during an eruption in Japan, bioluminescent shores of the Maldives, the great pyramids of Giza…The list goes on. These and many others attest to how wonderful the earth’s surface is, and how gifted we are to be in it. Nonetheless, at some point in our lives, we do not acknowledge the privilege of being here due to an unfortunate experience or a broken dream, and thus we are downcast.

We had dreams of making a huge stride in the world and leaving a legacy that will have our names remembered throughout generations, but that isn’t always the case as we grew up. I always aspired to be an astronaut, fly into space someday and die on Mars. Certain constraints have made this dream virtually impossible. Undoubtedly, we’ve all been in such a situation — we either overcame them or succumb to them, which often makes us bitter, and angry at the world, feeling it dealt with us unfairly.

Maybe you had a dream of being a surgeon, a movie star, the president of a nation, or an inventor of something life-changing. However, all you have now is a crushed dream, and broken heart and feeling defeated. For starters, I need you to step outside, look sternly into the sky, inhale deeply and smile as you let go of all the disappointment while you exhale because the very least, you are still here.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Once done with the first, and most difficult task, I want you to take another look at your dream, estimate its level of possibility in your current condition, and then take action if you can do something about it. Starting writing the lyrics to that song you’ve always wanted us to hear, take that class, and be that engineer who makes our lives easier, confess that feeling to the one you love…

I can not be an astronaut, but I can fly into space someday and die on Mars, and I will. Equally, you might have to compromise a little, but never throw in the towel until you achieve at least a fraction of the dream.

The world is beautiful and kind, and only those who forgive themselves, free themselves of hard feelings, and push forward will glimpse its beauty, and witness its kindness.

Action! Action!! Action!!!



Good Vibes Club

Laughs, smirks, giggles and kisses too. I write and read anything. Oh yes, I love astronauts, and space...