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After Hours of Preparation, I Wore the Wrong Shirt for My Blind Date

Back in 1992, I didn’t know my mum’s iron was watching me and making notes in its diary

Alan AJ
Good Vibes Club
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2023


A purple steam iron on a blue carpet
Author’s own photo

What’s the matter with him? Is he nervous or excited? Perhaps he doesn’t even know.

I don’t think he told anyone about his plans for this evening.

But I know.

I saw him reading that letter, the one he keeps hidden away. And I heard him on the phone.

He’s arranged a blind date! And it’s tonight!

It didn’t take him long to choose a shirt. After all, he only has three half-decent ones. I suppose they were fashionable before he bought them in the sale.

You’d think he’d have taken better care of those shirts, but last week he accidentally tore one on a door handle. Who does that?

Perhaps he knew it wouldn’t last because he bought two of the same design. I suppose it’s not surprising that he plans to wear one of them tonight.

Hopefully, the good one, not the torn one.

Right now, I’m important to him.



Alan AJ
Good Vibes Club

Note: I'm away until later in July, so I might take a while to reply to your comments.