Beauty's role in life

Good Vibes Club
Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2023

We all love beauty and are always in awe of true beauty. Most of us are attracted by beauty and aspire to become more beautiful. Beauty may be viewed differently by different individuals. The two most common metrics of beauty are:

Photo by Majid Akbari on Unsplash

Looks- how a person looks has always been a critical measure of beauty. It is natural since it caters to our sense of sight. Everyone likes to be around good-looking people, especially those of the opposite sex or maybe the same sex if you have such orientation. Some people marry someone entirely based on looks. It is understandable that one wants to wake up next to someone good-looking, at least in one’s perception. I am lucky to wake up every morning next to my beautiful dude, who wakes me up every morning, forcing me to take him for a walk to the dog park.

Dude, at 5 am

Character- Some people possess the beauty of character. They carry this vibrant energy wherever they go. Their thoughts are free from hate, envy, or greed. They know how to deal with problems and don't panic easily. They are tough with difficulties but kind to people. These people are the ones who make the world a better place, though they are increasingly becoming extinct in most parts of the world.

Is Beauty Overrated?
When someone turns down my romantic advances, I can't help thinking, Is beauty overrated? It is difficult to conclude on this one, as being around something/someone beautiful gives you a soothing feeling. I guess physical beauty is a bit overrated as it fades with time, but natural beauty, character, and poetic beauty can never be overrated. They make the world more livable.

Beauty comes at a premium- Beauty always comes at a premium; if you want to date someone beautiful, you will need to double the efforts, triple if you are not beautiful yourself. If you want to see the beauty of nature, you have to climb the mountain, trek for hours until you reach the top, where the view is breathtaking, or drive long hours to reach the interior of the woods to see a waterfall. If you want artistic beauty, you need to work hard to get the money to match the price tag of an expensive painting.

Beauty influences people's opinions.
Psychologists have a term for this called the Halo effect; it means that a person's appearance is likely to influence other's opinions about him. Good-looking people are likely to make a more favorable impression than average-looking people. Due to the damn halo effect, I stopped going to interviews and decided to do my own thing.

Beauty is different for different individuals. For me, the morning transition of dawn at 5 a.m. is beautiful; for others, it is just nature's daily clockwork. Some find modern art attractive while others consider it as overpriced crap. I think love for beauty is a natural tendency in humans, and it's nice, but it should not become the sole decision-making reason in life, especially when it comes to humans. Not everything that glitters is gold; sometimes, it's just mold.



Good Vibes Club

I try to find humor in day to day life situations but mostly it's humor that finds me in embarrassing situations.i try be cool coz I have given up on being hot.