Can we fix it? Yes, we can!

Reversing a pre-diabetic condition through rigorous diet control and exercise

Priyanka Sinha
Good Vibes Club
2 min readMay 29, 2024


I’m not a morning person and I need some tea to kick me out of my grogginess. Of late, it’s become more of an “old habits die hard” kinda thing when it feels like gulping down a bitter decoction every morning since I quit sugar 6 weeks ago following a raised HbA1c.

Even this morning, I made a face and just mumbled that I needed at least a little sugar in that cup. Hearing that — my husband started booking a blood test for me, but I interrupted that the reports wouldn’t change so quickly. A 3 month gap is usually advised between the tests. Yet he went ahead, and the phlebotomist was quick to arrive!

I was very diligent about my plan since day 1 —

Quitting sugar

Low carbs



Strength training

Intermittent fasting

Though very mindful of my diet & activities I was unsure about a lowered reading since the test gives an average of 3 months of glycosylated hb level.

But I was relieved and surprised to see it at 5.3 a normal from 5.8 mg/dl that’d pushed me to the pre-diabetic range.

My previous report (author's pic)
Current report (author's pic)

Not sure whether to believe it or think of it as a lab error, I messaged my doctor (nephrologist) brother-in-law.

There was no doubt left when he gave a thumbs up!

Chat excerpts (author's pic)

I remember the story I wrote as a rant — combining my risks, lifestyle, do’s and don’ts

So, from the preamble to the final report — the journey gave me encouragement & confidence to stay on track.

So, here’s to the bitter decoction — Cheers!

But the real test awaits me as I am travelling soon for a vacation — wish me luck!!



Priyanka Sinha
Good Vibes Club

Hi ! I am Priyanka from India 🙏 A dentist by education, a wife & mom to 3 boys . "Magic of mundane" That's what I call my write ups, tales & tussles as I see