Dear Jovi Bell

Was it all cool at pet school?

Cheryl Watson
Good Vibes Club
2 min readJun 9, 2023


Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Sounds like you did great.

Oh, sorry, Jovi Bell. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jack, and my middle name used to be A**. But as I told Scout, my first Medium friend, I don’t need that name anymore.

Anyways, Nana was telling me your last story, it reminded me of my puppy obedience classes, and I was wondering how you did.

Right from the start of classes, Nana could tell I was the jealous type. When the trainer got a different volunteer dog to work with, I got upset. I do like to be right in the very middle of everything.

I think Nana got more training than I did.

I see you can do the good ole’ ‘sit’ and ‘down’. These are great skills for us Herders. BTW — Cool — I didn’t know corgis were herders! We’re the same!

Oh, leash walking! That was very important for me cause I weigh — a lot. Nana DID NOT like getting pulled down into the gravel. We got extra training for leash manners- plus- a herm springer pinch collar.

Have you done any leash work, Jovi?

  • Some strangers get upset about that pinch collar, but let them get their own 120lb dog and get dragged around and see if they change their mind.

I rarely feel the pinch collar, and we enjoy a lot of long walks.

Well, it was good talking to ya, Jovi Bell. I’m going out one more time before bed.

If you need any herding or pet advice or backup, give me a shout. I’m usually around.

Also, remember this: Dog spelled backward is God. He sure is good to let us have great owners.

Your new friend,


PS: I’m not allowed to herd our cat.

This is one of the stories about Jovi that I am responding to. Grace Bianco



Cheryl Watson
Good Vibes Club

The Happy Christian. Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.