Divine Joy Is With Us Every Moment!

“Joy in looking and comprehending is Nature’s most beautiful gift.” — Albert Einstein


Dear Brothers and Sisters,


God, bless you and your loved ones.

I welcome each one of you.

A Glimpse of My Joy

Just the other day I saw such an uplifting scene while returning home.

My eyes chanced upon a mass of light pink blossoms happily dancing on a creeper!

And the creeper itself was smiling in the sun with shiny green leaves!

The whole scene was such a beautiful sight!

…some of those pink blossoms were fully grown!

…some were in their infancy!

…some of them were still in the bud stage!

…some were dancing in the air!

…some were rock still!

The whole scene was so harmonious…!

It was so captivating…!

It lifted my spirits to such an enormous degree…!

My Gratitude

God, I am so grateful to You!

Every moment, You are showering us with Your wonderful blessings!

All we have to do is keep the window of our hearts open and recognize Your benevolent hand all around us.

Thank You…Thank You…Thank You!

Thanks for reading this short essay of mine.

May your days be filled with light,

The Uplifting Essayist

