Do we know when we’re being toxic?

Or we’re right in our minds while spitting venom

Priyanka Sinha
Good Vibes Club
2 min readApr 18, 2024


Pic courtesy--pintrest

I grew up with these sentiments.

As kids of a joint family, we had to cross a maze of parents, numerous uncles-aunts, siblings and cousins to get the simplest of things or a permission.

On the tortuous course we learnt diplomacy, way with words and situational awareness before knowing the meanings of these words.

Considering everyone’s moods and feelings — sensitivity and subtlety got engrained.

I still can’t answer back, preferring to ignore reactions or avoid people if things go awry.

Pic source:Minimalist quotes

I tried to gauge others situations before making up my mind about their behaviour.

But with time I realised that we don’t always behave organically, reflexively and can’t get away with it blaming it on our situations and samskaras.

We can deliberately be how we want to be. It’s not just the point of view that dictates our behaviour.

There’s always a voice at the back of the mind which says that — “Yeah, you’re on the right track” or nudges and pulls you back to bite your tongue, “Hey, don’t tread in that territory!”

But we choose to ignore that, especially in an unfavourable event— We want to hurt back and feel lighter, to give a tit for tat, to prove “I’m no less” !

The drama lingers on for even decades and the dirty 3-letter word “EGO” has the last laugh.

The story may change by a guilt trip later but often it gets too late by then and the karmic account carries over for settlement in another life.

A quote by author William Penn (source Google)

So, we can try to be right more often because being nice, tolerant and considerate are not relative. These are absolutely positive by any perspective!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash



Priyanka Sinha
Good Vibes Club

Hi ! I am Priyanka from India 🙏 A dentist by education, a wife & mom to 3 boys . "Magic of mundane" That's what I call my write ups, tales & tussles as I see