Don’t Be A Nitpicker!

Another meaning of a nitpicker is Micromanagement.

fran rooks
Good Vibes Club


Nitpickers give too much attention to unimportant details and can get annoying quickly.

Often people who nitpick are emotionally stressed and don’t realize the damage they do to the other person or their relationship. They struggle with anxiety or perfectionism to try and gain control over a situation.

Reasons people become nitpickers:

  • Some are simply arrogant and think they know what’s best
  • Some are overanxious and insecure
  • Some overanalyze everything

The KEY to stop nitpicking is to understand what is fueling it. Instead, find other ways to address the need to nitpick. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Don’t retaliate, listen
  • Take the power back
  • Show your pain
  • Give a compliment. This almost always stops a nitpicker in his tracks
  • Focus on a good trait, not the one that bothers you
  • Look for the good, and you’ll stop seeing so many negatives



fran rooks
Good Vibes Club

As I get older and older I realize just how much I didn't know. But, since I retired, I have time to research and learn.