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Anthony Krut
Good Vibes Club
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2023



noun: duality; plural noun: dualities

  1. the quality or condition of being dual.
    “this duality of purpose was discernible in the appointments”
    the property of two theorems, expressions, etc., of being dual to each other.
    the quantum-mechanical property of being regardable as both a wave and a particle.

2. an instance of opposition or contrast between two concepts or two aspects of something; a dualism.
“his photographs capitalize on the dualities of light and dark, stillness and movement”

Similar: doubleness, dualism, duplexity, ambivalence, dichotomy, polarity, separation, opposition, difference

Origin- late Middle English: from late Latin dualitas, from dualis (see dual).

Dual — consisting of two parts, elements, or aspects

There are words I find intriguing, this is one. It conjures visions of situations I wish to better understand, where logic appears to have taken a back seat, either that or I need to recalibrate my concept of it.

Had I returned to the land of my birth to attempt to get a better understanding of the duality, how people behave towards one another, it would likely have been my overactive subconscious steering the boat. In reality, I could alight, accept that this is who we are what we have always been, will continue to be, but that wouldn’t be any fun now would it, not productive either in promoting the cause of an integrated world where people are just that, people. While hard to be effective on a global scale there are possibilities for success at a micro level. Many are hard at work doing just this, making progress within their sphere, not on the ‘big stage’ where mass media drives the herds, steering them in whatever direction they see fit, admirable indeed.

It is, will continue to be, my hope for a better more integrated world. South Africa made a major transition nearly thirty years ago, barely a lifetime for the common seal. I, when first returning after an extended absence, was bitterly disappointed to see, more aptly not see, progress as it related to integration. Johannesburg did show signs, restaurants where groups dined albeit still, for the most part, segregated.

It’s counterintuitive to progress to remain fractured. Talent abounds, needs to be tapped, given the opportunity to be spread, enjoyed, reveled in. Each one of us can contribute, start a dialog, listen, do our best to understand where action is needed then if able, do something, anything, to further the cause. We are all humans, we will be stronger as a whole, better equipped to face down those hell-bent on continuing to divide, exploit, abuse the masses.



Anthony Krut
Good Vibes Club

My way of getting words on paper. Not too much editing, just thoughts, feelings, anything that strikes on the day. Images are mine, mostly.