Embracing Clarity and Confidence: My Journey with Journaling

How a Simple Habit Shaped My Year and My Self-Awareness

Rohan Dehal
Good Vibes Club
3 min readDec 31, 2023


Finding Comfort in the Void: My 2023 Revelation

2023 was a transformative year for me, thanks to a simple, yet powerful habit: journaling. This practice not only served as my bridge to writing publicly on Medium but also marked the beginning of a profound journey towards self-discovery and emotional intelligence.

Clarity and Self-Discovery Through Words

Journaling became my lens for introspection, helping me unravel the complexities of my thoughts. It was like having a conversation with my inner self, where I could dissect my motivations, desires, and needs with stark clarity. This process brought forth an understanding of the ‘why’ behind my thoughts, significantly enhancing my self-awareness.

Building Emotional Intelligence and Confidence

As someone grappling with anxiety, journaling emerged as a cornerstone for my emotional growth. It was not just about writing down thoughts; it was a powerful exercise in being present, especially with my racing thoughts. Journaling taught me how to parse this chaos into a stream of coherent thoughts, thereby enhancing my ability to be myself. Writing down my thoughts not only validated their worth but also reinforced the logic behind them. This practice bolstered my confidence, making me realize the value of my insights and emotions, given my analytical nature.

Unstructured Flow and Future Endeavors

My journey began with unstructured journaling — a free flow of consciousness that served as a mental overflow release. This method gradually reduced the ‘water level’ of my thoughts, making the daily mental floods more manageable. In 2024, I aim to explore structured journaling with specific prompts and frameworks, and I’m open to suggestions from fellow journaling enthusiasts.

Reflecting on Growth and Resilience

One of the most profound aspects of journaling is witnessing the evolution of my thoughts over time. Revisiting past entries, especially from challenging periods, can be painful. However, seeing my progress and resilience in overcoming those hurdles fills me with pride and a sense of achievement. It’s a tangible way to appreciate the strides I’ve made in my mental health journey.

Honesty and Independence: The Power of Personal Truth

Journaling is a sanctuary of honesty and self-reflection. It’s a space where I can be unapologetically truthful without external pressures. This habit has been instrumental in identifying and addressing barriers to my growth. The flexibility of journaling — with no repercussions for missing a day — reinforces its role as a stress-free, self-check-in tool.

A Lifelong Companion on the Path to Self-Realization

I am immensely grateful for incorporating journaling into my life in 2023. It has evolved from a hobby to a lifelong practice that guides me towards my goals. For anyone who hasn’t tried journaling, I wholeheartedly recommend it as a tool for self-exploration and emotional growth. Your journey with journaling might just be the catalyst for profound personal transformation. As we step into the New Year, I wish you all joy, growth, and fulfillment. Happy New Year!

