Embracing Setbacks: My Journey from Humiliation to Success

Sam Letterwood
Good Vibes Club
Published in
4 min readOct 15, 2023
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Have you ever felt your pride take a beating so hard that it left you reeling in humiliation? Well, allow me to share a tale, one that takes you through the rollercoaster of bruised pride, self-doubt, and the eventual climb to newfound confidence. This is a story that, I believe, many can relate to in one way or another.

The Unforgettable Presentation

It all started during a team meeting at work. The dreaded day of the presentation had finally arrived. I had prepared for weeks, crafting slides and rehearsing every line until I could recite them in my sleep. But, when I stepped in front of my colleagues, my nerves had other plans. My voice quivered, my hands trembled, and I stumbled over words that had once flowed effortlessly. The room felt like a pressure cooker, and I could practically hear my confidence shattering into a million pieces.

As I faltered through my presentation, my mind became a whirlwind of self-criticism. Why can’t I speak coherently? Am I making a fool of myself? I saw my colleagues exchange glances, their eyebrows furrowing in confusion. It was a moment of utter humiliation, and the walk back to my seat felt like a thousand miles of shame.

The Aftermath of Humiliation

The meeting ended, but the humiliation lingered. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had let down my team and, even worse, myself. That night, as I lay in bed, my mind raced with self-doubt. I asked myself questions that echoed in the darkness: Was I really cut out for this role? What if I never improve my public speaking skills? Would my career be forever marred by this one disastrous presentation?

The days that followed were filled with a cloud of self-consciousness. Every interaction at work became a potential landmine for my fragile pride. It was as if my ego had been bruised so deeply that it had created an invisible armor of fear, protecting itself from further harm. I began to avoid situations where I might be called upon to speak, opting for the safety of the background.

The Turning Point

But life has a funny way of surprising us. One day, a mentor at work approached me and said something that would change everything. She had witnessed my unfortunate presentation and acknowledged the setback. But instead of chastising me, she offered a perspective that I had never considered: “You’ve experienced what many of us go through, but what sets you apart is your determination to grow from it.”

Her words were a spark in the darkness. I realized that it wasn’t the bruised pride that defined me; it was how I chose to respond to it. I decided to confront my fear head-on, to practice public speaking, and to learn from my mistakes. I sought out every opportunity to improve, whether it was joining a local Toastmasters group, watching online tutorials, or seeking feedback from friends and colleagues. I was determined not to let one moment of humiliation define the rest of my career.

The Journey to Triumph

Slowly but surely, I began to see progress. With each presentation, my confidence grew a bit more. I started to understand that everyone makes mistakes, and what truly matters is the ability to bounce back from them. My perspective shifted from viewing failures as debilitating to seeing them as stepping stones to success.

The once-daunting stage became my ally, and my voice no longer quivered. I learned the power of storytelling, the art of engaging an audience, and the value of authenticity. The very thing that had once bruised my pride had become my path to triumph. I do not claim to be the best presenter, however I improved and I am happy with how I present. That is what matters more to me and to people who care for me.

In life, we all encounter moments that bruise our pride, whether it’s a failed presentation, a rejection, or a personal setback. What truly matters is not the humiliation itself, but how we choose to respond to it. Our setbacks are not permanent; they are opportunities for growth. It’s not about avoiding failure, but about learning from it and using it as a stepping stone to success. So, the next time your pride takes a hit, remember that it’s not the end of your journey; it’s just a chapter in your story of triumph.



Sam Letterwood
Good Vibes Club

Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner