Prompt Responses to Peculiar Julia’s NaPoWriMo posts

For Two Generations The Tiger Survived Until Smoky Brought Him Down

Ann James
Good Vibes Club
2 min readApr 9, 2024


Not a tiger, but the dog looks a little like Smoky. Photo by Jesper Brouwers on Unsplash

Toys and games — what, where, when, how, or who? Maybe a lack of toys, a stolen toy, a homemade toy, a coveted toy, a shared toy, a broken toy, the colour, the feel the smell of it … what it meant to you…what it symbolised…what it looks like in your mind’s eye…the unwrapping…the giving…the receiving…the loss…can shake a poem out of you?

Long before I knew of Tigger

there was my tiger, life-sized,

Green button eyes shining in the dark

She came home with me from Germany

perhaps the P.X. in Vogelweh?

Long before my memory

A friend to pull ‘round the yard

in me little red wagon

Two decades later

I passed her on to my son

who more often talked to Mickey Mouse



Ann James
Good Vibes Club

Her writing muse lurks in the volcanic hills amidst mustangs, marmots and jackalopes. While hiking with her dogs, Ann stumbles upon stories of dark humor.