“Genesis-Based Trauma” Is Ineffective for Abuse Survivors

Acknowledging the Impact of Abuse

Good Vibes Club
4 min readApr 2, 2024


Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

In the realm of trauma and recovery, the term “Genesis-Based Trauma” has often been touted as a panacea for the wounds inflicted by abuse.

However, as an abuse survivor myself, I’ve come to realize that this approach falls short in truly acknowledging the profound impact of abuse.

Through my own journey of healing, I’ve discovered that to truly heal, we must first acknowledge the depth of the wounds we carry.

Understanding the Impact of Abuse Subheading:

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Facing the Shadows of the Past As I reflect on my own journey, I’m reminded of the words of Maya Angelou: “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

For years, I carried the weight of my past, the echoes of abuse reverberating through every aspect of my life.

It wasn’t until I dared to confront the shadows of my past that I began to understand the true impact of abuse on my psyche.

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The Pitfalls of “Genesis-Based Trauma”:

Seeking Solace in Spiritual Narratives In my quest for healing, I turned to “Genesis-Based Trauma” approaches, hoping to find solace in religious or spiritual narratives.

Yet, despite my fervent prayers and rituals, I found myself no closer to true healing.

It was as if I was trying to mend a broken bone with a band-aid the wounds ran far deeper than any spiritual remedy could reach.

Embracing the Power of Individualized Support:

Photo by Filip Bunkens on Unsplash

Finding Strength in Vulnerability It was in the depths of my despair that I finally found the courage to seek help.

With the support of a compassionate therapist, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Together, we unraveled the tangled knots of my past, exploring the wounds that lay hidden beneath the surface.

Through the power of individualized therapy, I learned to embrace my vulnerability as a source of strength, rather than a sign of weakness.

Holistic Wellness as a Path to Healing:

Healing Mind, Body, and Soul As I delved deeper into my healing journey, I came to realize that true wellness encompassed more than just the mind it required nurturing the body and soul as well.

Through practices such as yoga, meditation, and creative expression, I found solace in the present moment, reconnecting with the essence of who I truly was.

It was through these holistic practices that I began to truly heal from the inside out, embracing a newfound sense of wholeness and vitality.

Lighting the Way for Others:

Turning Pain into Purpose As I emerged from the darkness of my past, I felt called to shine a light for others who were still navigating their own journey of healing.

Through advocacy and activism, I sought to raise awareness about the prevalence of abuse and the importance of survivor-centered approaches to healing.

By sharing my story and amplifying the voices of other survivors, I hoped to inspire hope and foster a sense of community among those who had experienced similar traumas.


Photo by Julia Taubitz on Unsplash

In the end, my journey as an abuse survivor has taught me that true healing begins with acknowledging the depth of our wounds and embracing the power of individualized support.

While “Genesis-Based Trauma” approaches may offer temporary relief, they ultimately fall short in addressing the complex nature of abuse and its lasting impact.

By embracing holistic wellness and advocating for survivor-centered approaches, we can pave the way for a brighter future one where healing and empowerment reign supreme.

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