
Candy Prisms
Good Vibes Club
Published in
Mar 20, 2024
Photo by Parker Coffman on Unsplash

My Grandma made a quilt for me when I was a baby. It was beautiful, with a green background, pink flowers, and pink trim. It was my security blanket, and went everywhere with me. Sadly my grandmother passed away before I was even two years old, so when I asked where my blanket came from, my parents told me my grandma had made it for me. Being 18 months old, I got the words grandma-made out, and that’s how it got its name.

I still have the blanket to this day, but it is put away now. It has been loved so much, that it is falling apart, and I’m not ready to part with it. I’m so glad I have other quilts made by her, as it lets me feel a connection with her.



Candy Prisms
Good Vibes Club

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