Gratitude in the Ugliness

Summer Finds

Katy Lin
Good Vibes Club


Finding gratitude in the things we love.

Notebook & Image by Author
Notebook & Image by author

After reading Trisha Faye’s list of five ugly things she’s found in life that she is thankful for like the toilet bowl plungers, I have decided to take the plunge and try it out myself.

Since functionality counts more than anything, I don’t normally consider anything ugly if they’re useful. So, how about five not-so-attractive yet, useful items that I’m grateful for every summer.

1. Rubber bands

If you have long hair, you’d know that any hairband's a lifesaver on summer days. Ponytails make the summer heat just a bit more bearable when the neck is exposed. However, if my only choice is between sporting a rubber band or leaving the hair down under the hot sun, I’ll still opt for the rubber band in desperate situations.

Photo by Andres Siimon on Unsplash

Rubber bands have also been lifesaver in other dire situations. For example, strapping a bunch of pencils together or keeping a box lid from opening up. It’s amazing how much a simple rubber band can do!

2. Handkerchief

Once used as a cover, a status symbol or a way of conveying lovers’ feelings of love and passion, the handkerchief continues to be useful in plenty of situations. Whether you’re walking around town or traveling, it can swiftly dab away sweat from your forehead.

Photo by Tyler Harris on Unsplash

3. Mosquito rackets

While the fly swatter suffices for Trisha Faye, I have an upgraded version of — the electric mosquito racket. Strangely, perhaps it’s due to the climate change, but I haven’t seen many flies lately. However, mosquitoes, along with cockroaches, are my least favorite summertime pests. I always keep one of these handy so I can tackle anything that comes in sight.

Image by Katy

4. Mosquito nets

If you don’t know how much I hate mosquitos, now you’ll probably understand why. My next most valued item would be the mosquito net. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to sleep a wink at night — especially when they’re buzzing around my ears in the middle of the night. Hey, some might even say it’s romantic by looking at the image below.

Photo by Volodymyr Yarossvit on Unsplash

5. Umbrellas

I know it’s not a habit for most to carry an umbrella in the Western world, but if you’re in Asia, you’ll need to discard that mindset. In fact, almost everyone, young and old carries an umbrella for nearly 300 days the year. Often or not, there are rainy days, thunderstorms, typhoons and worst of all, when it doesn’t rain, it’s the scorching rays of the sun that people need to avoid. Believe me, you won’t want to be uncool without one.

Photo by Urban Vintage on Unsplash

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Katy Lin
Good Vibes Club

Inspiring all the goodness in life. 💌 Practicing the art of observation.