Healing Through Connection: Finding Your Spiritual Tribe and Mentors

A personal guide to nourishing relationships that foster spiritual growth

Katherine Myrestad
Good Vibes Club


Foto de Robert Lukeman en Unsplash

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Dear Spiritual Explorer,

In your soulful journey, you are both a student and a teacher. I, as your Spiritual Coach, understand the invaluable role of community and mentorship in our spiritual lives. It was a lesson I learned after years of feeling like a lone traveler on this path.

We are, by nature, social beings. Our souls crave connection — not just a connection to a higher power but to each other.

Finding Your Spiritual Tribe:

These are the people who resonate with your energy. They don’t necessarily hold the same beliefs as you, but they respect and support your journey. In my years as a Spiritual Coach, I have found that this tribe isn’t just a support system; they are mirrors reflecting your growth, challenges, and love.

Seeking a Mentor:

This is someone who has walked the path before you, someone whose wisdom you respect and whose guidance you…



Katherine Myrestad
Good Vibes Club

Founder of Soul Magazine, Founder & Chairman of Young Minds, a non profit organisation based in Sweden https://youngmindsweden.org/ Social Pedagogue and Writer