How Admiring the Evening Sunset Changes You for the Better

Destress after a long day and let your worries melt away!

MLinda Writes
Good Vibes Club
3 min readSep 11, 2023


Photo by the author taken at Leroy Hoequiste Park Orlando, FL

What a crazy week it’s been!

Grand rising, everyone! By the way, that means good morning.

I dislike good morning, considering mourning is what we do when we mourn the dead. (My deepest condolences to anyone who has lost someone recently.)

I needed to break away and see something new.

Do you feel that way sometimes? Are the stresses of life weighing you down, too?

I think it’s time to take a different approach to situations. How often do you go to the park alone, with friends, or with family?

You’d be amazed at the wonders nature can bring to your well-being and spirit.

Previously, I wrote about how a walk-through nature is the perfect recipe for mental clarity.

Photo by the author Marlenny Linda writes

It looks like the glimpses of heaven are so near. I live five minutes away from this beautiful park via bike or car. The park is called Leroy Hoequiste Park in Orlando, FL, and it offers so much family fun.

The vast field extends forever, making sunsets appear the same as when you’re at the beach.

Photo captured by the author Marlenny Linda writes

Heaven's rays are shining down on our troubles and washing them away with these beautiful sceneries filled with pink, orange, gray, and purple.

To finish a long day, I look over the lake, take a deep breath, and forget about the day's worries.

I leave it for tomorrow and transform a stressful and productive day into a blissful evening.

Photo captured by the author Marlenny Linda writes

Who can stay mad or stressed when there’s beauty out there to behold?

The sun has a special calming effect and role in our overall health. We see the sun rise and set every day, meaning we should be thankful we can behold such wonders.

Photo captured by the author Marlenny Linda writes

“Happiness is something that multiplies when it is divided.”~ Paulo Coelho

I hope that, just like me, you enjoy the sunset and destress after a long day. It’s beautiful; I will catch the sunset over the lake with a nice candlelit dinner at the park.

Take care, everyone!

Photo captured by the author Marlenny Linda writes

~Marlenny Linda writes, free yourself 💚

Claps are free! I will clap for you, too! :)

Thank you!




💛 💚 💙😊



MLinda Writes
Good Vibes Club

Hello friends! I am a content writer with expertise in Parenting a child with medical conditions. I find creative solutions to everyday parenting problems.