How Do You Treat Yourself When Nobody Is Looking?

Exploring the shadows

Marcela Cardoso
Good Vibes Club
2 min readFeb 27, 2024


Photo by Oleg Sergeichik on Unsplash

How do you treat yourself when nobody is looking?

Are you your best friend or your worst enemy?

The second option would suit me years ago. I couldn’t look myself in the mirror without crying and blaming myself for all the bad stuff that happened in my life.

All of this because of this creepy inner voice whose hobby is to talk badly about us like an envious “friend”.

But guess what? This voice loves to lie.

That’s right. Nothing it tells us is the truth.

Everything this voice says is a projection of our traumas and what other people tell us. That means absolutely nothing.

So next time your inner voice starts saying nonsense, take a deep breath and ask for proof of what it’s saying.

Spoiler: there is no proof.

Okay, but this voice doesn’t shut up! How can I make it stay quiet?, you must be thinking.

Well, the inner voice won’t be quiet all the time, but there are lots of things you can do to have a good relationship with it and yourself, as:

  • therapy
  • journaling
  • shadow work
  • meditation
  • mirror talk

You just need to be willing to become your best friend and do the work. Soon, things will get better.

Remember, everything starts within you.

You have one life in this body. Do you really want to spend it mistreating yourself?

I don’t think so.

The world is a mirror of what we carry inside us. Be good to yourself, and it will reflect all the great things that live in you.

How is your inner talk going? Tell me in the comments.



Marcela Cardoso
Good Vibes Club

✨I write personal stories and articles that bring positivity and growth to your life.✨