How I turned bedrest into a surprisingly productive time

It’s been a month and a half, and it feels like an eternity.

Kajal Kamani
Good Vibes Club
3 min readMay 22, 2024


An image of Mustafa Omar from Unsplash

If you check my recent articles, you'll notice they all revolve around pregnancy.

And I won’t even deny that fact.

Well, yes, I’ve been documenting my pregnancy journey, and it occupies my thoughts day and night. Although it can be overwhelming, I find comfort in it.

So, due to some cervical issues, I’ve been prescribed complete bedrest for about two months or at least until my delivery to ensure my pregnancy progresses smoothly and the baby doesn’t come out uninformed.

Honestly, I find it challenging to stay in bed all day, feeling like a resting panda. I’m not bragging; you start feeling like a burden to your family for not being able to do anything but just see them do all the work while you sleep on the couch like a potato.

But I must do this for my baby's well-being.

My in-laws and husband are incredibly protective and strict about this. They insist I lie down after every meal and hardly let me sit for five minutes before urging me to rest again.

They've taken over all the household tasks, insisting that I focus solely on taking care of myself.

I didn't want to spend this time merely watching TV or endlessly scrolling through social media.

So, here’s how I thought through and how I’m making this period productive:

1. **Finishing a Book:**

Before bedrest, I struggled to find time to read due to household chores, often too tired by night to make any progress.

Now, I've made it a priority to finish my books. Currently, I'm reading "100 Promises to My Baby" by Mallika Chopra.

It's a wonderful book by a mother of two, sharing her aspirations and hopes for her baby. Each promise is a life lesson, imparting strength and resilience.

Reading this book has been a beautiful experience. I've noticed that my baby responds strongly to my reading.

I've read that babies can recognize familiar voices, so I read aloud, hoping my baby can listen and absorb these positive messages.

2. **Coloring and Painting:**

It seems coloring is good for a baby's brain development.

And I personally love art. So I ordered a pregnancy coloring book by Pregchilla.

It features thoughtful and innovative pregnancy-related figures, like quotes in blocks and women with wombs.

What do I love about coloring?

First, analyzing the intricate figures, planning which colors to apply, and making it relatable and vibrant.

Above all, I imagine myself with my baby in that picture once it’s ready.

3. **Watching Religious Videos:**

Have you heard about Garbh Sanskar?

For those who are unaware, it's a series of values to pass on to your baby while in the womb.

It not only includes stories to tell but also a package of activities like puzzles, painting, exercises, mantras, shlokas, etc.

It's essentially a course during the nine months of pregnancy for women to get involved mentally and emotionally to build their baby's brain and heart.

So, I've been watching its videos and some religious content that conveys meaningful messages to my baby.

4. **Talking to My Baby:**

This is my favorite activity. I usually do it in the afternoon or at night when I am alone.

I plead with my baby to stay inside safe, happy, and healthy at least till it’s fully grown and developed, and to absorb all the values I pass on.

I tell my baby about the qualities we wish to instill in it.

I tell my baby about the family tree so it can take less time to get familiar with family members once it arrives.

I share my daily learnings and experiences, hoping my baby can learn from them and find it easier to navigate life later.


Why would you or anyone be interested in reading about my experience?

There are countless pregnant women who, like me, are advised to rest and find it difficult to do so.

By sharing a few productivity tips, I hope to help others stay occupied and happy during their bedrest period.



Kajal Kamani
Good Vibes Club

I love reading life stories. I either like to relate myself with the story or save it as an inspiration for later. Writer | Learner.