How I Went from Hating Myself to Loving My Own Company

A self-love journey

Marcela Cardoso
Good Vibes Club
3 min readJan 31, 2024


Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

I was my worst enemy.

I couldn’t stare at myself in the mirror without feeling responsible for everything that went wrong in my life.

Sweet words were not part of my vocabulary. In my mind, my existence was a God’s mistake.

It took me a lot of tears and time to learn to love myself and enjoy my company. Here is what I did:

I sat down with my problems

This task wasn’t a piece of cake but it was necessary for my healing journey. Journaling helped me a lot with this process. Writing down my issues allowed me to start seeing a light in the end of the tunnel.

I started meditating

Whether I sank into silence or chanted a powerful mantra, meditation gave me a sense of peace I hadn’t felt in years.

I started dating myself

It might sound strange to some people, but I’m an advocate for self-dating.

By taking the time to do things I enjoyed, I learned I can be the best company I can ask for. Life gets amazing when you connect to yourself and have fun.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

I started complimenting myself

When did you last say something nice to yourself in the mirror?

Repeating that I love myself and enumerating all my qualities transformed how I think about myself. I still have a long path to walk regarding this, but I feel great on my own skin.

I learned to be happy on my own

Because I was bullied when I was younger and never accepted for being who I am, I used to cling into crappy relationships because I wanted to feel loved. I don’t need to mention how bad things went, right?

As I began to enjoy myself, I realized I didn’t need anyone to love me. I could be this person for myself because I am complete and enough. People can come and go, but I’ll always be my safe-harbor.

Photo by Ab Benson on Unsplash

I learned I’m the creator of my reality

I’ve been studying the Laws of the Universe since 2017. It led me to manifest things I couldn’t imagine. By learning I’m the creator of my reality, I started having better thoughts and feeling way better.

Some bad patterns are still manifesting because I didn’t completely change my thoughts and feelings towards some areas of my life, but things are slowly improving.


If you’re going through a self-hatred journey, try the tips above. Slowly, you will realize how amazing you are and treat yourself with the respect you deserve.

Cheers for better days ahead!

Do you love yourself? Tell me in the comments.



Marcela Cardoso
Good Vibes Club

✨I write personal stories and articles that bring positivity and growth to your life.✨