How to overcome common pitfalls and achieve your goals?

Jessieca daffodil
Good Vibes Club
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2023

Eight Things Everyone Must Say No To Get Ahead In Life

Photo by vedanti:
  1. Perfectionism:

-> I have done many paintings in 14 years. My current painting is so much better than my first. If I had kept trying to make that first one ‘Perfect’ I had never have got published at all.

-> We should of course strive to do our best in everything we put effort into. But forgive yourself if it is not perfect.

-> Sometimes you just have to get the job done.

2. Overcommitting:

-> I was starving to succeed in my twenties and would never give up an opportunity.

-> This led to overcommitting and endless stress and sleepless nights as I tried to achieve everything.

“Do not overcommit”

-> Make a realistic assessment of your timeframe. Deliver much more than you promise.

3. Endless Social Events:

-> We don’t have to be a part of every single thing. As a writer it becomes very important for me to safeguard my mental space.

-> I say no to many social events. I my opinion, endless social events take away our focus.

4. Self Doubt:

-> I am guilty of this even to this day after so much success. It’s okay to have a little self-doubt as it keeps us humble.

-> But never let self doubts take over. It will kill you.

5. Fear Of Missing Out:

-> We often say yes as we are afraid of what we will miss out on. We also feel bad and left out when people share stuff on social media that doesn’t include us.

-> Remind yourself on the path and your destination when you feel this way. We don’t have to be like everyone else.

6. Procrastination:

-> Take a small step. When I don’t feel like going to the gym, I tell myself that I will do only a 15 minutes workout and come back.

-> But when I get there I always end up doing the full workout. The hardest thing is to make that decision to go the gym.

7. Pleasing Everyone:

If you try to please everyone you will end up pleasing no one including yourself!

8. Being Too Busy:

-> Take breaks. It is so important to not work continuously.

-> Take a walk in the middle of your work day. Meditate.

-> Take a full break from work at weekends. Do things bring you joy. Say no to being busy.

Hope this helps!



Jessieca daffodil
Good Vibes Club

I'm passionate about sharing my expertise and make a difference by sharing personal stories, improving mind, body,relationships,parenting & lead a happy life