I Am in a Boole

Free Verse

Waqas Ahmad
Good Vibes Club
2 min readJul 19, 2024


Photo by Gints Gailis on Unsplash

In the quiet haze of morning,
I find myself adrift,
lost in the subtle blue,
a melancholy that seeps in,
like mist over the sea.

The sky, an endless canvas,
paints my mood with shades of azure,
a spectrum of longing,
of dreams unfulfilled,
of whispers carried on the breeze.

I am in a boole,
a place where light bends softly,
where shadows stretch,
elongated memories,
dancing on the edge of consciousness.

Footsteps echo in the distance,
each one a reminder,
of paths not taken,
of voices lost in the din,
of love that slipped through fingers,
like grains of sand.

In this bule, time flows differently,
moments stretch and contract,
a heartbeat irregular,
a rhythm out of sync,
yet, somehow, profoundly my own.

I seek solace in the familiar,
the gentle curve of a smile,
the warmth of a touch,
yet even these are fleeting,
slipping into the cerulean depths,
where I float, weightless,

I am in a boole,
a place of introspection,
of deep currents unseen,
where the heart navigates,
guided by intuition,
and the silent song of the soul.

In this space, I am both lost and found,
a paradox of existence,
wrapped in the soft embrace,
of the colour blue,
where dreams and reality merge,
and I am, simply,
in a boole.

