I deserve better

No more settling

Marcela Cardoso
Good Vibes Club
2 min readJan 21, 2024


Photo by Matthew Hamilton on Unsplash

“I’m too talented for this.”

That’s what I tell myself every time I sit in front of my laptop to work on my day job.

Quick as a wink, my mind races with thoughts.

  • Why am I using my gifts to work for a company with so many questionable values?
  • My work is so undervalued here!
  • I’m putting in a lot of work, but the pay doesn’t match the effort. I could earn much more if I did something else with my writing.

Every day is the same. Sometimes, I even feel tears running down my face, wondering what I did to deserve this crappy job.

Of course, I’m grateful because it helps me pay my bills. Nonetheless, I need a sense of purpose in everything I do.

I need a purpose greater than myself to share my talent with the world.

What consoles me is that I know the pain this job causes me is temporary. Due to my online store and some projects I am working on, I foresee quitting it in one or two months.

I know better things are coming into my life. I’m already experiencing some small blessings.

So if you always think you deserve something better than the job or the relationship you’re in, remember:

Challenges are stepping stones to a brighter future.

Stop complaining, and do what it’s needed to achieve your goals.

  • Take that first step now.
  • Let your talents do the talking.
  • Show the world what you’ve got.

Remember, this is not about leaving an awful job or relationship.

It’s about living and sharing your truth.

The first move is the most difficult. Once you do it, you’ll realize you’re your only obstacle.

So stop the pity party and go after your dreams.

You deserve better.



Marcela Cardoso
Good Vibes Club

✨I write personal stories and articles that bring positivity and growth to your life.✨