I went to a ‘Show’?

Anthony Krut
Good Vibes Club


The singing, at times breathtaking, for those in the audience as well as those pouring their collective hearts out on the unadorned stage. And belt it out they did, tune after wonderful tune, mostly recognizable classics from various operas or shows. For stretches at a time the audience remained enwrapped, elevated to heavenly heights through the beauty of song.

The pianist too, deftly tapping her tablet, transporting to the ensuing music sheet, as if it were just a note. Technology, won’t be long and the tablet will be listening, following along, turning the page on cue.

These are the Mzansi Tenors, funny enough there were ten of them, accompanied by a divine diva. All black, as is their arranger. At a glance it appeared there were more people of color on stage than in the entire audience that may have reached around 300. This in a country that is predominantly non-white.

I struggle coming to grips with, wonder why this is. First thought, ticket prices, mine was R200. Of the many people I have had the pleasure of encountering in the small haven that is Stanford in the Western Cape, pretty much none of those on the South side could afford or would be able to justify giving up meals or other necessities, in lieu of a couple of hours of, regardless of the quality, entertainment, a real loss for all as culture is a wonderful thing.

Maybe it’s the genre, classical foreign language stuff not part of their regular fair. This could be a topic all its own.

I’m, albeit slowly, understanding the scope of things, the sheer volume of the needs. Given this, I’ve decided to choose small, localized, contributions. Something better than nothing. This is a difficult thing for me to accept, feel okay about.

It is also what has been decide when it comes to these singers, some benefactor(s) have been generous enough to sponsor them, give them an opportunity to display their talents to an appreciative, paying audience, the proceeds of which I presume goes back to them helping to defray costs, compensate them. I’m hoping they take their act to places where those unable to pay are given the opportunity to observe, enjoy, see possibilities.

Either way, I continue to have mixed feelings about it all, still unable to reconcile the inequities witnessed daily.

One of the tenors, a young man from Hermanus, is about to embark on what I have no doubt will be a life changing event, a trip to the US being part of the adventure. One man, soon two? One brick at a time.



Anthony Krut
Good Vibes Club

My way of getting words on paper. Not too much editing, just thoughts, feelings, anything that strikes on the day. Images are mine, mostly.