I’m tired of feeling like a fried chicken because of the heat. I’m grateful anyway.

Finding blessings in disguise

Marcela Cardoso
Good Vibes Club
2 min readJan 19, 2024


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

“He lost everything,” my mom told me.

She was showing me a video from her co-worker’s friend’s house. The water of the summer rain invaded it like an uninvited guest and devastated everything. The guy and his family could do nothing but watch the only place they called home be destroyed before their eyes.

Here in Rio, the news talks about the floods caused by the summer rains daily. Thousands of people lose everything they have in a matter of minutes. Apart from that, there are individuals who are swept away by the raging waters of the floods, losing their lives in the process.

When it’s not raining, people need to deal with the excruciating hot weather. To be honest, I’m exhausted from feeling like a fried chicken every day. Nonetheless, I have a lot of reasons to be grateful.

My house has some leaks, but it’s strong and steady.

I can drink clean water every time I need to rehydrate.

I have a fan that cools me down and makes the task of enduring the heat a bit less unbearable.

I can take a shower anytime I want.

It’s easy to lose sight of all the blessings we have in our lives when we’re focused on what we don’t have. Nevertheless, we should always appreciate what we possess. Gratitude is the key to attract extraordinary things into our lives. It’s the door to a happy and fulfilling existence.

Just the fact that we can wake up and do everything we want is a miracle. Don’t take it for granted.



Marcela Cardoso
Good Vibes Club

✨I write personal stories and articles that bring positivity and growth to your life.✨