Letting Go with More Ease and Guidance

Listen Deeply and Admit to Deeper Truths

Sammy Wan
Good Vibes Club


Photo by Gianandrea Villa on Unsplash

Admitting that you do not have all the answers is vulnerable and liberating. Admitting that maybe you don’t need to figure everything out right now, but simply be still and open to what’s here — listening deeply to the moment requires courage and practice.

People often ask me, how do I let go? I have shared the notion of not trying or striving to let go,

I would describe letting go of any difficult feelings like grains of sand. You can try to grip it hard and hold onto it, but the grains of sand will still slip through your fingers. So why not open your fingers and let it flow out at ease?

I’ve further deepened my metaphors about letting go and seeing that we don’t have to let go of everything all at once. We don’t have to force ourselves into big actions or declarations. We create gentle openings for ourselves.

It’s like getting undressed on a cold winter day. You don’t take off all the layers at once. You enter your house, remove your jacket, and your sweater. layer by layer, till you get to the bare skin and put on your home clothes. Letting go all at once will leave you bare and vulnerable. What you want to let go of has been with you for so long, been part of your identity, it feels too familiar and…



Sammy Wan
Good Vibes Club

Inspiring mindfulness, creativity & growth through my personal reflections | An invitation to mind-body approach for more wisdom: www.sammywan.com