Life Is a Magically Beautiful Bubble…!

“Keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there is so much to smile about. “ — Marilyn Monroe


Namaste, my brothers and sisters,

God bless you and your loved ones.

Have you ever paused during your daily bath to appreciate something that underlies the “beauty of life” and hence, the implicit grace of God?

This marvel blesses your life every time you take your bath.

Well, I am talking about the beauty of a soap bubble…

…at times, the rainbow colours seen there simply take our breath away!

Photo by Kai Dahms on Unsplash

In a trice, however, the momentary magic vanishes into eternity!

A similar feeling of wonder arose in me while watching Sunrise recently.

As the baby Sun peeped out of the swirling grey clouds, it resembled a cute red bubble to me…

…it looked ever so graceful!

Photo by Amit Nayak on Unsplash

Alas! Like any other bubble, the loveliness lasted so briefly!

Too soon, the soft apple-red of the solar orb became a bright guava-yellow.

And I had to turn my gaze away.

Likewise, the instantaneous charm of any aspect of this “miracle-called-life” lasts only for a short while.

So, enjoy the music while it lasts.

Be grateful…

Be alive…



…in the beauty of the moment passing before you RIGHT NOW.

I would like to conclude by quoting an eloquent verse by Debashish Mridha that expresses this “beauty of life” so poetically:

For if life is a tall tender tree,
For then, there are no you and me.
We are nature; we are love; we are beauty.
Giving and loving is our eternal duty.

Thanks for reading my thoughts.

Stay blessed always,

The Uplifting Essayist

