Life lessons | Relationship | Self Improvement

Life Lessons from Honeybees

The focus styles of a honeybee and a housefly

Sarah Cummins
Good Vibes Club


A honeybee
Image generated by Author

Don’t be a FLY in life, be a HONEYBEE.

There is a mind-blowing lesson from Honeybee and Fly. Honeybee gives us priceless insight to upgrade our mindset and quality of life.

Honeybee flies from flower to flower and garden to garden. To pull out the honey from the flowers. The purpose of a Honeybee is to look for the good essence of flowers even in a place full of stinking waste.

The honeybee keeps its focus on searching for good things around. In our day-to-day life and relationships, we have much to learn from the Honeybee.

It guides us in finding the positives and showing how to deal with the negatives. There will be faults everywhere and in everyone. As the Honeybee tries to find only good essence even in ugliest surroundings, we need to find the tidiest place.

Two honeybees
Image generated by Author

A Fly shows another type of behavior in relationships. The Fly is always attracted to contagious objects.

The fly may travel over hundreds of flowers, but what does it focus on? Flies always focus on tasting waste and wounds. It ignores the sweetness and goodness of gardens.

This showcases the mindset of ignoring the good qualities and focusing on their faults. It is so easy; it requires no effort to see the faults in others.

Fault finding and gossiping are unproductive habits.

The more we do, the more we become obsessed with it. It is important to have honest, well-wishing communication in relationships.

The decision is yours. To become a Honeybee or a Fly!

Thanks for reading. 😊



Sarah Cummins
Good Vibes Club

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