Love and Expectations

A poem

Waqas Ahmad
Good Vibes Club
3 days ago


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

A love that endures, a tapestry woven fine,
Threads of laughter and tears, intertwined,
A shared history, a language unspoken,
A silence that speaks, a bond unbroken.

Years melt away, the seasons rotate,
Yet the flame within, it does not abate.
Through storms and sunshine, a steady beacon,
A constant presence, a love unspoken.

A weathered hand, a knowing glance,
A comfortable silence, a shared romance.
The echoes of memories, whispers of joy,
A love that blossoms, a timeless alloy.

Free from expectations, unburdened by time,
A love that flows, a current sublime.
A tapestry rich, with colors untold,
A love that’s lasted, forever bold.

