Patricia O'Neill
Good Vibes Club
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2024
Rollator I'm using at the moment but may have to return it when I leave respite care

Folk (there are a few) who read my stories regularly will know I’ve been in temporary respite care for roughly two months. For those not in the know I broke my femur in late May.

Well, one of my vouchers has been used up. I’d used some of it before my accident to be fair. The other I have to think long and hard about how I’ll use it. It was destined pre-accident to cover the cost of a new microwave but….things change.

I bought a couple of packets of (don’t blush) … extra thick panty liners. Except for when I first had my accident, I’ve mostly been okay. But when I was in my early teens and a couple of years before that I was in the Girl Guides* the motto was “Be prepared” so I’m trying to live up to it.

Coming from hospital to the care home I only had the bra I was wearing when I tumbled down my front steps and bashed my leg. Another item to be supplied by Amazon though it was more of a crop top to be precise. I need to get a couple more really.

Some toiletries were running short. So, I bought some shower liquid and waxed strips for removing unwanted hairs on my chinny-chin-chin. I have a few of the latter unfortunately.

I usually carry some scissors in my handbag, but I think they fell out either at home or when I had my accident. So, I may get myself another pair off Amazon.

I may need to get myself a rollator. I don’t need one right away but may do when I am discharged from the home…though I’m not sure when that will be. Amazon does sell rollators so if I can find one that is substantial enough to do the task but isn’t prohibitively expensive, I’ll indulge. There might not be a lot of money left on the voucher after I buy a rollator.

There will be other toiletries that need replacement in due course, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

I’ve tried to look at this subject in a manner which isn’t too serious.

Can anyone think of any staples I might need which I haven’t mentioned? Time will tell.

*What they call Girl Scouts in the UK though I think nowadays a few British troops (girl troops) are referred to as Girl Scouts.



Patricia O'Neill
Good Vibes Club

I'm a retired secretary. I've enjoyed writing as a hobby since childhood and decided to try my luck on Medium. Looking out for side hustles :).