Numerical Wisdom: Unveiling Top Hacks for Navigating Life with Numerology

Harness the power of numbers for a deeper understanding of life

Katherine Myrestad
Good Vibes Club


Photo by Mat Brown:

Greetings, wise soul,

As a Spiritual Coach, I have marveled at how numerology has guided countless individuals on their life’s path. Let’s uncover how this numerical wisdom can assist you:

The Science of Numerology:

Numerology, a metaphysical science, holds that numbers carry distinct vibrations affecting our life. This wisdom, harnessed for centuries, offers unique insights into life’s mysteries.

Your Numerical Blueprint:

Every person possesses a numerical blueprint — your life path, expression, and soul urge numbers. By calculating these, you unravel the unique lessons, talents, and desires your soul brings to this life.

Practical Numerology:

Numerology’s beauty lies in its practicality. It can guide your decisions, from choosing a career path based on your life path number to selecting a partner whose numbers harmonize with yours.

Numerology as a Compass, Not a Map:



Katherine Myrestad
Good Vibes Club

Founder of Soul Magazine, Founder & Chairman of Young Minds, a non profit organisation based in Sweden Social Pedagogue and Writer