Oh Calcutta! My First Love

Anjali Amit
Good Vibes Club
Published in
1 min read1 day ago
Eden Garden, Calcutta. the home of cricket matches
Eden Garden Photo by Ajay Parthasarathy on Unsplash

Oh, how much I love Calcutta — the place and geography, but even more the warm-hearted, cultured, passionate Bengali!

A true story from my childhood (how long ago that was)!

My father was a cricket aficionado, and Calcutta was a cricket lover’s paradise.

Once, in an India vs West Indies game there arose a tense moment: the umpire’s call in favor of West Indies.

One passionate spectator most emphatically made his displeasure known.

Like setting matchstick to kindling. A swiftly growing crowd of people shouting, gesticulating, threatening to set the stadium on fire. One terrified little girl shrinking into herself.

Two young men saw that terrified little girl, let loose a string of chaste Bengali sentences, chastising the fire-breathing bhadralok.

Immediate, total silence.
Cricket-loving father and scared young girl settled back into the game.

This is the Calcuttan: strongly passionate, deeply compassionate.

Truly, the soul of a city resides in its people.



Anjali Amit
Good Vibes Club

Avid reader. PB writer. Comic book lover. Word player. Awed by the wonder of our world. To 'slip the surly bonds of Earth'. www.bookreviewsgalore.com