
Old Is Gold

The Value of Vintage

Qaiser Khan
Good Vibes Club
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2024


Photo by Daniela Nunes on Unsplash

Some things from long ago
Bring back memories, you know
Like grandma’s wedding gown
Or dad’s old baseball cap, worn and brown

Technology moves so fast
The new stuff won’t last
But Grandpa’s vintage car
Is a true classic, a shining star

My teddy from years before
Sits tattered on my bedroom floor
His button eye is loose, fur is thin
But he’s still my favorite friend

Old records, eight tracks too
CDs and tapes, we’ve been through
But vinyl’s sound can’t be replaced
For the feeling it has made

Old books on the shelf
Their stories tell themselves
Old photos in frames
Familiar faces and memories they claim

While trends come and trends go
Some things stand the test you know
Though worn and faded with time
Their value and worth still shine

So don’t toss out the old just yet
Its worth could be a debt you’ll regret
For old is gold, it’s true they say
Memories of yesterday

Qaiser Khan

Old Diaries

(Written on July 5, 2022)



Qaiser Khan
Good Vibes Club

Devoted cooking enthusiast, poet, blogger, and content writer