Pure Bliss Interrupted My Writing Time

Sometimes ‘just being’ trumps productivity.

Trisha Faye
Good Vibes Club


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Thursday afternoon, I walked in from work just after 3 o’clock with an armload of groceries. I fully intended to put the few groceries away and head to my office to start working on writing. After checking in on Medium, of course.

But I couldn’t bear to be inside.

Right now the house is extra dark because of the blankets I tacked up in windows in preparation for our ‘artic blast’ a few weeks ago. Double wide mobile homes, especially those with a non-working heater that has to rely on little space heaters in the house, are not meant for four days and three nights of subfreezing temperatures where 24-degrees is the top temperature.

Knowing the freeze was on its way and being able to feel the cold seep into the house from the windows, even though all the windows are double paned, I’d added blankets over the windows for extra insulation.

But that makes it feel like a cave inside too, and I’m a daylight and sunshine kind of girl.

And on Thursday afternoon it was 73-degrees, sunny, and gorgeous outside.

I wasn’t planning on walking when I got home.

But I checked my miles for the day. My sister and I are walking the Camino together…



Trisha Faye
Good Vibes Club

Writes about life, looking for the good & remaining positive — with a dose of kitty love sprinkled in. My publications —WRITER’S ZEN & GOOD VIBES CLUB