Reading Time

Angela Treat Lyon
Good Vibes Club
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2024


My buddies love it when I read to them!

Reading time . . .

We gather together and sit on my bed with piles of snacks, and they help me choose which books to read. We love the Mysterious Island, and all of Nathan Lowell’s sci-fi stories.

I have to be careful of Kitty, though — she likes to lean over my shoulder and ruffle the pages so I lose my place. Naughty Kitty!

She really objected with I invited the Meeces to come to our readings. She didn’t eat for . . . two whole hours. It was a (very short-lived) kitty-cott!

But I persevered — they were friends, after all, and deserved to hear the stories, too.

I was surprised, because they started to help me write my own stories. They loved my Bully story, about how I managed to non-violently get the bully to stop bullying people. If you like, you can read it for free at

And when my buddies and I gather to snuggle down cozy and read, it’s always some of the best times of our lives.

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© Angela Treat Lyon 2024


All of my art is available in prints — just let me know you want one. They are 11" square, printed on luscious, velvety, archival watercolor paper, matted and in a frame of your choice.

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Angela Treat Lyon
Good Vibes Club

Writer, artist, stone carver, best-selling author, book designer & publisher, radical mindset coach, say-it-like-it-is person