Patricia O'Neill
Good Vibes Club
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2024
Photo by Krista Mangulsone on Unsplash

I’ve been told by my social worker that my sojourn in respite care is supposed to be ending on 2nd September. The work that is deemed necessary to render my house safe for me to return hasn’t even started yet but if I’ve reached out for a quote and the person approached hasn’t got back to me (not interested I suppose). I’m stuck. I’ve got to get back to the drawing board. To be fair, a lot of time-served plumbers and electricians have a backlog of work to do since the quarantine(s) occasioned by the pandemic.

Anyway, here are a list of five good things about being in respite care.

  1. I don’t have to buy and cook food. The kitchen staff do all the hard work preparing our breakfasts, midday meals and teas/suppers.
  2. We have a (fairly) structured day. Normally I like to plan my own activities but while I’m convalescing I don’t mind trying the activities provided by the ladies who are employed to help keep us busy and stimulate us. (Well, there are a few of exceptions — I politely declined Scrabble, Bingo and jigsaw puzzles).
  3. Similar to No. 1. I get a break from having to wash my clothes. Members of staff take residents’ clothes to the laundry room and ensure garments are washed and then returned to the owners.
  4. Other folk have conduct of administering my medication. Thus far I managed to take my medicine(s) alright when I was living at home. Still, while I’m in care having staff give out the medication means there is one less thing to worry about.
  5. I like reading. There are books which have been donated to the care home. I can usually find a suitable book. When I’m at home I have to go to the town library (or choose one from donated books at my local launderette (laundromat). Again, it’s the convenience I appreciate.

Have any of my readers had to undergo a period of convalescence? If so, what aspects of the process did you like? Do let me know any positive views you have about convalescence.



Patricia O'Neill
Good Vibes Club

I'm a retired secretary. I've enjoyed writing as a hobby since childhood and decided to try my luck on Medium. Looking out for side hustles :).