Sometimes You Just Have To Do It!

Hear my story on why I joined Medium as a writer.

Good Vibes Club
3 min readSep 7, 2023


Photo by Olena Bohovyk on Unsplash

Hello readers! How are you today? My name is Alvin and I’m from the Southern part of India. I started my journey on Medium just over a week ago and I have to say the ride has been most intriguing.

Firstly, I think it’s important to fill you guys in on why I joined Medium as a writer. I’m a student who just graduated and is looking for a job as we speak. It’s been a little over 4 months since I completed my college and as any teen would I have a lot of aspirations and desires.

But as you all probably realized at one point or another nothing is free in this world. In order to achieve your goals or fulfill your desires you need money. I think money is the ultimate power in this world and earning it is also not a piece of cake.

So now I think you have a vague idea about my intentions….but wait! Don’t judge me yet, there is still a lot more story to be filled in.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

I had two major problems that held me from writing on Medium.

I was an introvert with excellent communication skills, weird right? I thought so too. I’m never one to raise my hand to start a conversation or speak in public gatherings, but if someone asked me to do it I’d have no problem doing it.

That was the problem and unless someone asked me to do something I probably won’t do it. I’m pretty laid back and prefer to be in my comfort zone.

That brings to the second problem, which is I hate to do something that is outside my comfort zone. If I don’t have a good understanding and grasp about what I’m doing then I have very little interest in doing it.

So what is required to be successful in Medium? Any guesses?

  1. You have to have self-driven to be consistent in Medium.
  2. You need to research the articles you write and have a good idea about how Medium works.

And what do I lack? Exactly, both of those things.

But Medium also had the two things that I had and wanted.

  1. My use in writing and communication skills.
  2. The chance to earn by writing articles.

The picture is starting to paint itself right?

But that is not the end of the story either,

As I started writing articles on Medium I actually started to enjoy it.

Photo by Felix Rostig on Unsplash

Of course, my articles had very little views and I did not understand about anything how Medium worked but I enjoyed deciding on topics to write and researching about them.

I also learned a lot about things that I would never have learned and thought about things I would never have thought.

Even though I received little views and very little attention, I was having fun!

Having a drive and stepping outside my comfort zone actually felt rewarding to myself. That’s when I realized, sometimes you just have to do it. You have to explore things to know them.

I also started gaining a lot of knowledge and started to refine my skills so it feels I’m constantly improving.

So, if you have something that is on your mind and you are hesitant to try and learn or just try your luck, this is your sign to do it.

I’m having a blast writing on Medium and I hope you had a blast reading my story. Join me on my journey as I navigate through the riches and struggles that medium has to offer.

I’ll end the article off by quoting one of my favorite superhero quotes

It’s just a Leap of Faith — Spiderman

Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!



Good Vibes Club

Hi! I write about mental health, self-improvement and sometimes about other interesting things I find on the internet.