Spirituality and Peace

Pranita Pramod Deshpande
Good Vibes Club
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2024
Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

When any person brings spirit into action then we say he is a spiritual person. Any spiritual person always avoiding quarrel, argument, fight , etc means he creates peace. Maybe he is a rich or poor. Many spiritual people are not that much rich but they are always satisfied, cool, peaceful, satwik. You know any evil never comes near to them.

They are always avoiding to create any argument, criticism, for anyone. Generally they prefer to live with God anytime to pray for the universe.

The person who can pray for the universe in the following way he never lose peace. They are getting everything better in their life. This is the prayer for the Universe.

"May God keep you all in happiness, joy and prosperity. Do good to all, do good, protect and let your sweet name remain in the mouth of all. Shankara says Tathastu, Tathastu. Peace, peace."

But in today's life why did people are losing their hopes and self-confidence, self-respect didn't know? With my observation many people feeling depressed, disappointed, loosing desire,

Capacity to do work. Why did this happening? So, they are running to the any Baba to get blessings. Sometimes they will get complete blessings but sometimes many people have to lose their lives. In India in this week 121 people lost their lives to chase to the Baba to get them prosperity, abundance, peace. They think that with Baba's guidance or blessings We will get everything. With this thought they lost their lives. But, in this program some innocent ladies and children have lost their lives. We must have to study deep.

These types of cases happening many times. Because people don't understand what's the spirituality? To run the life successful what's the way of thinking? How to think perfect in any situation so that we can't come across with any evil? Success doesn't mean we

have lots of money and everything. That’s the principal of spirituality. How much maybe you have if you think negative it is less. You are thinking only I can do it. Then also it carries tons of ego and it destroys our lives. All things didn’t comes only with money. Life is the way of understanding people, situation, etc.

To be happy, peaceful learn to forgive others. Give respect, love, happiness to

others. No need money to give all these things. These are free but generally, to show we give more paid things. Shaving valuable things with us. If you will trying to save happiness, peace, love, etc. it will create tons of negative energies. With it we feel very heavy, unhappy, insecure, disappointed, depress, etc. Maybe we have more material success. So spirituality teaches us to give love, happiness, peace to others as it will remain permanent in the front person's mind.

It doesn't mean we can't do anything for progress. We must have to do all work to proceed further but with above prayer.

Just pray this:

"May God keep you all in happiness, joy and prosperity. Do good to all, do good, protect and let your sweet name remain in the mouth of all. Shankara says Tathastu, Tathastu. Peace, peace "

everyday 3 times in a day

and see the magic of life.

Thank you, Universe.


To know how to pray effectively Buy this book Secrets Of Prayer https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0CNW9YBTT

Listen to my all types of devotional songs here.


