Staying Calm Through Fire and Flood

Wifely Patience Running Thin

Deb Palmer
Good Vibes Club
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2024


Pile of burnt towels in yard
Photo by author

I’m writing this, hoping to stay calm while hubby, Sandy, fights fires and floods.

Here’s the story —

A week or so before Sandy’s full knee replacement surgery, our upstairs bathroom sprung a leak. Keep in mind we live in a 106-year-old home we’ve been restoring for three decades. After all these years of Murphy’s Law (anything that can go wrong will go wrong), proving its relevance, Sandy continues to begin every project believing he can tackle it, lickety-split.

I love that about him.

I hate that about him.

It was no surprise to me that the surgery date arrived before he could finish the job. No big deal. We still had one working bathroom. Honestly, I was prepared for this. I also knew his plan to recover in a few days from his full knee replacement surgery, wasn’t happening.

Let me clarify something about hubby.

He is NOT one of those husbands who must be prodded, threatened, or bribed to get things done. No, I have the opposite problem. He works way too hard and insists on doing everything himself. When it comes to our home, Sandy is the only person we both trust to maintain the integrity of this wonderful old house.



Deb Palmer
Good Vibes Club

Author & Freelance Storyteller — Sweeping humor and gut-wrenching truth from under the rug —