Stop Feeling Lost: 9 Ways to Find Clarity and Inner Peace

A guide on finding direction and purpose

Marcela Cardoso
Good Vibes Club
5 min readFeb 21, 2024


Photo by Paulius Dragunas on Unsplash

I’ve been feeling lost for most of my 20s and early 30s.

For a long time, writing has been the tool that allows me express myself. However, when it comes to making a living from it, things get a little confusing.

Even though I’ve been a freelance writer for years, I don’t see a sense of purpose in my career. That’s why I chose to use my gift to spread ideas that are meaningful to me and create a business around it.

Nevertheless, confusion still is with me. What problem should I solve? Who my target audience is? How can I make money with my passion? What message should I share?

The more answers I get, the more questions I have.

Fortunately, I have a lot of experience in feeling lost, so I know to make progress toward my goal, even when things seem unclear. If you’re in the same boat, follow the tips below to have a little more clarity.

Be gentle with yourself

It’s easy to become our worst enemy when we don’t know what we want, but beating ourselves up can cause more harm than good.

We need to treat ourselves more gently and respect our process. The world is already cruel to you. Why would you want to be cruel to yourself?

Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

Don’t listen to society

When you grow up, society puts a lot of pressure on you.

You need to find a job that pays big bucks (no matter if it leaves you tired and unhappy). You need to buy a house to live with your partner and kids. And don’t forget to post your achievements on social media. People need to see and envy what you have.

Honestly, living up to society’s expectations is exhausting. But guess what? You don’t need to do this.

Honor your truth and do what you want. Nobody is responsible for your life but yourself.

Know that you won’t have everything figured out

Let me get it straight: no matter how much clarity you have, you won’t see the whole path.

Life is a box of surprises. Not always things go as smoothly as we imagine. Like a movie, sometimes unexpected situations surprise us.

Also, we are humans. We change our minds all the time. What makes sense to us now may not make sense in the future.

If you don’t have clarity in your life now, just put one foot in front of the other and start walking. Little progress is better than no progress at all.

Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash

Follow your curiosity

I read this advice in the book “Big Magic”, by Elizabeth Gilbert, and it changed my life.

Self-improvement gurus often tell people to follow their passions. But what if you aren’t passionate about anything in particular or don’t know what to do with your passion?

Simple. Pick something you enjoy doing and see where it takes you.

No pressure. No pain.

Now it’s the time to explore. For example, if you enjoy reading, you can do several things:

  • Write book reviews online.
  • Start a blog / social media page / podcast about books.
  • Join a book club.
  • Go to a book fair.
  • Spend hours in a bookstore.

By putting your passion into practice, you open the door to unimaginable ideas and opportunities to come to you. Someone might enjoy what you posted and invite you for a collaboration, or you may figure out you want to write a book. The possibilities are endless.

Date yourself

I have already written several times about the importance of dating yourself. You can check it out on the link below if you’re curious.

Dating yourself allows you to connect to what brings you joy. This can make things clearer.

Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash

Share your struggles

If there is something that connects people is vulnerability.

Everybody goes through hardships in life. What matters is what we do with the issues we have in hand.

By being vulnerable, you can share what makes you more human: your story and your pain.

Celebrate your small accomplishments

Celebrating your small wins is crucial to keep you confident and motivated. Don’t be afraid of praising yourself. You deserve your recognition.

Don’t be afraid to fail

Failure it’s just redirection. It’s a sign the infinite intelligence (you can call it god, universe, energy, etc.) is using to show you where you need to go.

Don’t be afraid. Just raise your head and keep walking.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Just keep going

Take time to rest if you need, but never stop moving forward.

A beautiful life is waiting for you on the other side, but you will just see it if you continue your journey.

Stopping feeling lost is not easy task, but it can be done by following the steps above.

Remember, you don’t need to have everything figured out. You just need to dare to embark on your journey.

Something beautiful is waiting for you. Are you ready to go after it?

Which strategies did you use when you felt lost? Tell me in the comments.



Marcela Cardoso
Good Vibes Club

✨I write personal stories and articles that bring positivity and growth to your life.✨