Teenage Parenting- Understand and care for the changes

Good Vibes Club
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2024


Communicating openly and staying connected with teenagers helps them to make better decisions and entrust themselves.

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Teenage is a transitional phase of an individual’s life. A strong relationship with parents, friends, and supporting family members makes teenagers function confidently and ready to face the challenges of adolescence. Communicating openly and staying connected with teenagers helps them make better decisions and trust themselves.

Teenage Parenting- Teenage Wellness must include the following (For Parents/Guardians):

Mindfulness- Practice mindfulness with your teenage child. This will help them to shrug off stress from studying, working, and playing stress. The pause will allow you to reflect and position yourself to understand your growing child.

Resilience—This skill will help you and your child seek different and multiple ways of overcoming a challenge. Dealing with teenagers equivalently will build resilience that will fuel self-confidence and introspection.

Independence—Making mistakes is a part of the learning process. Let them make mistakes. When you, as a parent, step in, they will build problem-solving skills. You must be open to allowing your growing child to function as they are as his brain and mind grow and mature. The rights, wrongs, do’s and don'ts must be discussed and not imposed now.

Acceptance- Your growing child is developing a personality integral to their individuality. Your acceptance will allow this. Always feel proud and express yourself about the exploration and new things in your child’s life.

Adaptability- One of the crucial skills that will help you maneuver in the present time. Adapting to changes and not making any comparisons will make the environment of your home easy and non-chaotic.

Flexibility—Show a balanced approach towards your teenage child's friends. This will build flexibility, and your child will always have something to return to you. Your child will return to you for discussions or brainstorming about what is happening in their life. It will be easy to guide them with this skill.

Confidence- When you become more accommodating, your growing child will develop self-confidence and command decision-making. Appreciate your teenage child in the community and the family. Your optimism will boost his morale and confidence.

Trust- Entrust upon your child. Express that your child can walk up to you anytime and share or express whatever they want to. Teenagers might be incapable of understanding the consequences of their behaviour. Just guide them about the consequences and let them make their decision.

Confidentiality- Be a good secret keeper for your growing child. This will strengthen the bond. Teenagers can be happy because of some things. But they don’t need everything to be happy.

Practicality—As a parent, conduct yourself as you say or believe confidently. Growing children are keen observers. You are the role model for your teenage child. Treat them like grown-ups while socialising. This will develop a strong understanding between the family.

Teenage parenting develops you not only as a parent but also as an individual. To keep things on the go, you acquire many skills and unlearn what doesn't work for you or your child or has lost its validity. Your willingness to unlearn and relearn will strongly support your teenage child's diligent sailing through adolescence.

Next, I'm sharing an article that explores the importance of fostering a comprehensive connection of empathy and support with our beloved grandparents.

