The Epic Battle of Me vs. The Walnut: A Hilarious Showdown

Nutty adventures

Sam Letterwood
Good Vibes Club
3 min readDec 10, 2023


Photo by Nils Wagner on Unsplash

Buckle up for a tale of bravery, confusion, and a nutty adventure that unfolded in my kitchen. It all started innocently enough. There I was, minding my own business, staring at a bowl of walnuts, when the overwhelming desire for a midday snack struck. I had no idea that the innocent walnut was about to become my culinary arch-nemesis.

As I eyed the walnut, sitting there all smug in its shell, I thought, “How hard could this be? It’s just a little nut.”

Oh, sweet, naive me.

Armed with nothing but determination and a misplaced sense of confidence, I grabbed the nutcracker with the fervor of someone who had watched too many cooking shows.

Little did I realize that my kitchen was about to transform into the battleground for an epic clash of man vs. walnut.

The first attempt was more of a gentle tap — a warm-up, if you will. The walnut sat there, mocking me with its unbroken shell. Undeterred, I mustered my strength and gave it another go, this time with a force that would make Thor proud. Alas, the walnut remained unscathed, and my ego took a hit. It was like the nut had an invisible force field, and I was just a mere mortal trying to break into the snack kingdom.

As I contemplated my next move, I couldn’t help but think about the absurdity of the situation. Here I was, locked in a battle of wits with a walnut, and I was losing terribly. It dawned on me that perhaps this was a rite of passage — a test of my culinary prowess. Friends, breaking a walnut is an art, and I was Picasso with a nutcracker. Or maybe just the guy who couldn’t open a simple nut.

Undeterred by my lack of walnut-cracking finesse, I decided to get creative. Maybe a change in strategy was in order. I threw away the nutcracker, channeling my inner caveman, and reached for a hammer.

Yes, a hammer. Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? As I gave the first mighty lightning blow, the walnut slipped and hit the window glass with immense force! The window got shattered and the walnut went through it like a bullet and landed in the garden nearby. It certainly left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Not willing to surrender, I went to the garden to collect the mischievous walnut smirking at me in a flower pot.

The walnut must have sensed my desperation because, with a swift blow, the hammer shattered not just the shell but also any dignity I had left in that moment.

There it was — the triumphant sight of a conquered walnut, its pieces scattered like the ruins of a defeated empire. I stood there, victorious and slightly bewildered, realizing that I had just won a battle against a nut. My kitchen, once a war zone, now looked like the aftermath of a snack-time tornado.

But in that chaos, I found a strange sense of accomplishment. I had faced adversity in the form of a stubborn walnut and emerged victorious, hammer in hand.

So, friends, the next time you find yourself in a standoff with a walnut, remember my tale of triumph. Approach it with caution, or perhaps with a hammer if you’re feeling particularly bold.

Breaking a walnut is no small feat. It’s a battle that tests your mettle, challenges your kitchen prowess, and leaves you questioning your sanity. But on the other side of that shattered shell lies the sweet taste of victory and the satisfaction of knowing that you, my friend, are a conqueror of nuts. Caution: you may miss the taste of the walnuts! :)



Sam Letterwood
Good Vibes Club

Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner