The Gladness of the “Glad Game”…!!


Dear Brothers and Sisters, Namaste!

Welcome to this essay.

May God bless you and your loved ones with joy.

The Joy of Reading a Joyous Book…!

Last week I read a great book…it was “Pollyanna” by Eleanor H Porter.

In this process, I got enriched by a remarkably beautiful concept called “Glad Game.”

And I was just wonderstruck by the sheer simplicity of this concept, on one hand and the equally magical powers implicit in its application, on the other.

So, let’s dive in.

The Joy of a Wonderful Concept…!

Let me summarize the features of this magical concept from the book:

1. Anyone can play this “Glad Game.”

2. This game is very simple in its scope.

3. All we have to do is find just one thing to be GLAD about in any situation.

4. We can play this game any time we like.

So, now, in the next section, let us see just how powerful this concept can be when we apply it in our day-to-day life.

5. This wonderful concept implies that no matter what happens to us, no matter how bad our situation may seem, we can always find something to be GLAD about.

The Magical Potential of this Concept…!

As we will all agree, this life is a series of ups and downs…plus and minus…joy and misery…

Unfortunately, due to our survival bias, it is misery that we experience most often in life.

The majority of us have resigned ourselves to this fact.

But if we are in that tiny minority, who is not okay with such a negative way of living, we need to take conscious action.

That conscious action is “being grateful.”

This is because gratitude has astronomical powers to counteract any negativity in life.

In my opinion, “Glad Game” is one of the easiest as well as the most effective routes to unleash that infinite power of gratitude.

Hope this beautiful concept proves useful to each one of you.

Thanks for reading my essay.

Stay blessed in joy always,

The Uplifting Essayist

