The Incredible Magic of White Magic…!!


Namaste, My Brothers and Sisters,

May God bless you and your loved ones.

Welcome to my essay.


I read this great book, “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz last month.

To my delight, I found this slim volume packed with powerful insights!

I would love to share one such gem here.

If we apply it sincerely, it can become a game-changer in life!

So, let’s dive in.

The Miraculous Power of “White Magic”

Now, each of us wishes to live a life of joy, abundance and good health.

To do so, Ruiz advises us to make four specific agreements with ourselves.

The first one is, “Be impeccable with your word”.

This agreement is extremely powerful in its scope.

Because “word” is a direct blessing of God upon mankind.

Stated otherwise, “word” is our God-gifted power to create.

That is why the Holy Bible (as quoted by Ruiz) says, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word is God.”

Word, therefore, has tremendous creative power!

It is the single most powerful faculty in a human being!

And when we use this magical power to bless others…speak good about others…wish good for others, it is then that the magical power of “word” comes into full bloom.

This is “white magic” as defined by Ruiz in the book.

My Humble Submission

In my opinion, the above concept is a life-changer.

Because, in the normal course of things, we human beings completely misuse the power of “word.”

We channel this power in the wrong direction in our day-to-day life by speaking bad about others… speaking bad to others…speaking bad for others.


We create our own suffering!

Because the power of “word” thus misused by any of us in the form of curse/gossip/criticism of others will come back to haunt him or her only.

That is why the Scriptures in all religions ask us to harness the inconceivable power of “word” in the good direction.

That direction comprises of praying for others, blessing others and wishing good for others.

Likewise, all self-development experts ask us to harness the power of “word” in the right direction too.

And that direction comprises reciting affirmations, writing down statements of goals and giving thanks to others.


We create our own good fortune!

Introspect and decide which direction you will take in life.

Thanks a lot for reading my essay.

May wisdom and joy bless your lives,

The Uplifting Essayist

