The Little Girl Inside Me

The story of the little girl inside me who refuses to die

Good Vibes Club
3 min readApr 17, 2024


Photo by Aidan Cheung on Unsplash

There is a child inside me, a little, innocent girl who believes fairies are real.

Inside me is a little girl who wants to dance in the rain.

A child who craves to have chocolate all over her hands and face.

A little girl who wants to fall asleep without knowing, having a mind that does not know what over-thinking is.

A 4-yr old who knows all these memories will fade away like they were never there.

Inside me is a child who wants to swing on monkey bars all evening.

The cute kid who wants to sleep surrounded by stuffed toys.

Inside me is a little girl who wants to draw the sun at the corner of the page.

Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

Somewhere inside me, a part of my soul never grew up. Somewhere at the back of my mind still dwells a little girl.

Deep inside me resides an innocent soul who still believes everyone in the world is as honest as her.

There is a child who still believes she can talk to the birds.

A little girl who thinks she is a Disney princess because she can communicate with the cat through her meows.

There is a little girl inside me who wants to laugh like the world is the best place to be.

A sweet child who is in love with candies.

A daddy’s girl who wants to have ice cream all over her dress.

Photo by Juan Domenech on Unsplash

Inside me is a child who refuses to die.

Inside you is a child who pleads to be allowed to exist.

Inside every one of us, there is an innocent child. Don’t kill him! Let him live!

When that child inside us dies, we cease to “live” our life, we start “passing” it- day after another because that child has a superpower.

The superpower of finding happiness in the tiniest of joys. That child’s heart overflows with joy when someone gives him candy. He does not need huge achievement to be happy, he does not need anyone’s approval to be worthy of all the love. He just wants to dance in the rain and hop in the street.

Why do we kill that innocent child? Why don’t we let him exist and live!? What makes us think we are too “mature” to sail paper boats?

Key Message: Let the child inside you LIVE and let yourself LIVE your life! :)



Good Vibes Club

A lost soul who is navigating through life by writing